Law Office of Michael Yap

Los Angeles Workers' Comp Attorney:

Your Expert Guide for Work-Related Injuries

Los Angeles Workers' Comp Attorney: Securing Your Rights

Suffering a work-related injury can be distressing, bewildering, and emotionally taxing. If you or a loved one has sustained an injury at work, it's crucial to protect yourself and consult with a proficient Los Angeles workers' comp attorney. Workers' compensation benefits are designed to aid those injured in workplace accidents, facilitating their healing, recovery, and enhancing their quality of life.

However, the process can be intricate and time-consuming, with any misstep potentially leading to claim denial, treatment refusal, or further complications.

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there
— Will Rogers

In the event of a work-related injury, you need a competent workers' compensation lawyer on your side - you need the Law Office of Michael Yap. With a strong presence throughout Southern California, we assist injured workers in navigating their workers' comp claims. Contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Why Choose the Law Office of Michael Yap for Your Workers' Comp Claim?

At the Law Office of Michael Yap, we are committed to:

  • Securing maximum compensation for our clients

  • Promoting and improving the laws governing California workers' compensation cases

  • Focusing exclusively on workers' compensation, providing in-depth knowledge and expertise in this practice areas

  • Serving injured individuals in Southern California since our inception

  • Accepting Southern California workers' compensation cases on a contingency fee basis, ensuring, top-notch legal representation

How Can A Los Angeles Workers' Comp Attorney Assist You?

Regrettably, during a workers' compensation case, your employer's insurance company might not treat you fairly. You may face obstacles such as claim denials, demands for excessive proof, or payment delays. Your employer could also hinder your pursuit of fair compensation by failing to submit your claim promptly or corroborating your account. In these situations, the Law Office of Michael Yap can help you safeguard your rights and fight for justice.

By hiring a lawyer, you gain a strong advocate on your side. Your attorney won't allow anyone to exploit you while seeking fair and full workers' compensation benefits. They can negotiate with insurance companies on your behalf, assertively arguing for a reasonable compensatory award based on your injuries and associated losses. A lawyer may secure greater compensation than you could have achieved alone. If settlement negotiations don't yield the desired result, Attorney Michael Yap can take your case to court in Southern California to fight for a better outcome.

At the Law Office of Michael Yap, we operate on a contingency fee basis, so you don't have to worry about the cost of hiring an attorney. We understand the financial difficulties most workers face after suffering severe injuries and being unable to work. We only charge attorney's fees after securing a compensatory award for you, and only if we win your case. Hiring a Workers’ Compensation Attorney with expertise in workers' comp claims is the best way to protect your rights in Southern California.

Types of Workers’ Comp Cases we Handle

We have helped clients recover the compensation they deserve for injuries including:

  • Back injuries

  • Head and brain injuries

  • Unsafe work condition injuries

  • Occupational disease and illness/long-term exposure

  • Repetitive motion injuries/continuous trauma

  • Catastrophic workplace accidents

  • Compensation for Workplace Accidents in California

Different Types of Compensation for Workplace Injuries and Accidents

  • Medical treatment, including diagnostic testing, physical therapy, medications, surgery, counseling, and rehabilitation

  • Temporary disability benefits while off work due to a doctor's orders

  • Permanent disability benefits for residual symptoms and/or limitations

  • Retraining benefits

  • State of California's Return-to-Work Fund Supplement payment

  • Lost support for financially dependent heirs

Moreover, we work on a contingency basis in every workers' compensation case, ensuring that we only collect attorney's fees after securing the compensation you deserve.

What Is a Third-Party Claim?

A third-party claim in a workers' compensation case may arise if someone other than your employer negligently caused or contributed to your injuries. A third party is an entity not directly involved in the accident but played a role in causing your injuries. Injured workers in Southern California could have third-party claims against product or equipment manufacturers, subcontractors, property owners, or even the City of Los Angeles if any of these entities caused the accident.

Identifying a third party as a defendant in a lawsuit may require assistance from a skilled workers' compensation attorney in Los Angeles. At the Law Office of Michael Yap we can engage outside investigators and experts to uncover the truth behind your case. Whether your severe injury resulted from a fall, exposure to toxic substances, electric shock, falling objects, structural collapses, transportation accidents, repetitive motion, or violent crimes, the Law Office of Michael Yap can determine the responsible party or parties.

California's workers' compensation laws prohibit recipients from suing their employers in exchange for no-fault benefits. However, you can still file a third-party lawsuit against someone other than your employer. Depending on the circumstances, you may be eligible for financial recovery through both workers' compensation and a third-party suit.


Workers' compensation claims have strict deadlines that must be followed to preserve your eligibility for benefits. You must report your injuries to your employer within 30 days. Your employer then has 10 days to report the situation to their insurance company. You have one year from the date of the workplace accident to file a workers' compensation claim in California.


No, workers' comp benefits won't cover your entire salary. They will reimburse your lost wages up to two-thirds of your gross weekly earnings. California also has a cap on the weekly amount a recipient can receive, which changes annually.


The duration depends on your injury's severity. Generally, the maximum is 104 weeks of workers' compensation benefits within a five-year period, counted from the date of your injury. However, serious injuries may qualify employees for 240 weeks of financial benefits. If you suffered permanently disabling injuries, the system may award you benefits for life.


The total amount a worker can receive for their injuries depends on factors such as injury severity and time away from work. Settlements can vary significantly, ranging from $2,000 to $100,000 or more. Catastrophic injuries and death cases may receive larger awards for past and future losses than minor worker injuries. Contact us for a free evaluation of your case, where a knowledgeable Los Angeles workers' compensation attorney can provide an estimate of its worth.


No, an employer in California cannot terminate a worker's employment simply for requesting workers' compensation benefits. This constitutes illegal retaliation. However, an employer can terminate employment if your injuries render you incapable of performing your essential job functions.

These are just a few of the many common questions that clients bring to the Law Office of Michael Yap in Southern California. We understand that suffering a life-changing injury can lead to numerous questions and concerns. If you have other questions about your recent work-related accident and/or a workers' compensation claim, call us to request a free consultation with our experienced workers' comp attorney in Los Angeles. We can listen to your story and provide personalized answers at no cost or risk to you.

Taking decisive action is crucial in these cases, as workers' compensation issues involve specific deadlines that must be followed. If you have been injured, we urge you to get in touch as soon as possible.

Speak With a Workers' Comp Lawyer in Los Angeles Today
To schedule a free consultation with a top Los Angeles workers' compensation attorney, call us or contact us online. Our FREE consultations mean you have nothing to lose.